Tracy Lynne Rupp Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established by the Rupp family in honor of alumna Tracy Rupp, the Tracey Lynne Rupp Memorial Endowed Scholarship provides financial assistance to students who attend full-time with a preference given to students studying criminology/forensics, student-athletes, students who have lost a sibling, and students intending to complete their education at Florida State University.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Is your program of focus involve criminology or forensics?
  2. Are you active in athletic programs?
  3. In which organized athletic programs are you currently participating?
  4. Do you plan to complete your education at Florida State University?
  5. Have you had a sibling who has passed away?
  6. Upload 1 letter of recommendation.
  7. Upload an additional letter of recommendation.
  8. Please upload a copy of your Summer Enrollment or a word document listing the classes (with class section number and credit hours) you will be taking during the 2025 Summer Term.
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